Reschedule of the exam on 08/05/16

This is to inform all Teachers, Officers & students of Leading University that, due to unavoidable circumstances all the exams on 08/05/16 have been rescheduled as follows: BuA: BBA & […]

Project Evaluation Guideline

All the students must follow the evaluation guideline before they submit their project works. Students registered final year project from Spring 2016 will be evaluated based on this format. Rubric […]

Summer-2016 Course Offering

Updated on : 26/05/16 Those who failed in Electrical Circuit I from Section A-E, will registrar for the same course (Theory) as follows: Section (A-E) : Retake Section B Lab […]

Final Exam Routine, Spring-2016

Updated on 07/05/16. Please check your exam time and date carefully in order to avoid confusion. CSE_Final Exam_Spring_16