A meeting of Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) in order to oversee the quality activities of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh was held on 9 March 2017 in the Board at 2 :00pm. The QAC talked about effective self-assessment processes, critical review of the current state of the activities of the program offering entities that are under assessment in phase-1. The Chairperson of QAC Professor Dr. Md. Qumruzzaman Chowdhury brought to the notice of the members that assessment was a prerequisite to an accreditation for a program. Then the three Heads of SACs presented their progress report in respect of the SAR writing, OBE-based curriculum development, Course profile. The QAC also became interested to hear of the work plan taken for 2017. All Deans, Director and additional Director of IQAC, Deputy Director of Finance and Accounts were among others present at the Quality Assurance Committee.