Leading University (LU) organized Second Series of Seminars on “Framing Development and Research Objectives” at Hall Room of Surma Tower Campus. Professor Dr. Md. Qumruzzaman Chowdhury Vice Chancellor of Leading University inaugurated the seminar as Chief Guest on 29 September 2016. Professor Dr. Md. Azizul Baten, Research Specialist of Leading University conducted the seminar. The seminar is based on review of basic research methodology in terms of both qualitative and quantitative approaches in various fields and sub fields of business, science, social sciences and engineering. It aims to increase research ability and establish a research culture and environment for the faculty members and officers of Leading University. This seminar will provide an excellent opportunity for exchange of ideas and information among researchers, academicians and practitioners. This seminar is scheduled in three sessions. Teachers and officers of different departments/sections participated the seminar.