CSE_Mid-Term Exam_Fall-17
CSE_Mid-Term Exam_Fall-17
All the students are requested to check class routine and report if any conflict (in regular courses) exists. Last Update: 25/09/17 @01:00pm CSE_Class-Routine_Fall-2017
Clear your semester dues (related issues) before 12/08/17, No excuses will be accepted on the day of the exam. CSE_Final_Summer_17
Leading University Computer Club (LUCC) successfully arranged “Tech Storm 2” On Saturday, July 29, 2017. This was a whole day event which includes Inter University Programming contest, ICT quiz contest, […]
Leading University is teaming with Cisco, the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate, and collaborate, to provide information and communications technology (ICT) education and help students […]
Algorithm Exam time rescheduled on 16/06/17 Accounting Exam rescheduled on 20/06/17 CSE_Mid_Summer_17
This routine will be effective from the first day of Ramadan till 22/06/17. Ramadan_Class_Routine
When it comes to programming, Leading University’s CSE girls are nothing less than the boys. On 9th May 2017, two team of girls named LU_Dangling_Pointers & LU_Neophyte from CSE department participated […]