Naeem Ahsan Chowdhury

Computer Science & Engineering

Contact Information

Cell Phone: 01994900475


Academic Background:
B.Sc. in CSE, Leading University, Sylhet
H.S.C, M.C. College, Sylhet
S.S.C, Blue Bird High School & College, Sylhet

Area of Study

Research Interests:

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Deep Learning
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Natural language processing

Teaching Areas:

  1. Computer Programming
  2. Web Technologies (Theory & Sessional)
  3. Computer Networking (Theory & Sessional)
  4. Digital Logic Design
  5. Computer Architecture & Design
  6. Compiler Design and Construction (Theory & Sessional)


  1. Dr. Shafkat Kibria, Arafat Habib Quraishi, Naeem Ahsan Chowdhury "Digital Technology Trends in the Hospitality Industry: Application on Bangladesh Perspective" International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 20, Issue 12 (December 2024)

Other Responsibilities:

  1. Advisor, CSE 64th Batch
  2. Member of BUGS (Board of Undergraduate Studies)