QAC Meeting
A meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) was held on 10 August 2017 in the board room of Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh in which honourable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. […]
Read More...It is an accepted fact that higher education forms the basis of the knowledge society, a comprehensive system of creativity and innovation, which is crucially important for the sustainable socio-economic development of a nation. Recently, higher education in Bangladesh has experienced a phenomenal growth at least in quantity. But the quality of education and research could not match the horizontal increase. There is a popular saying that quantity without quality is a sure prescription for disaster, while quality without quantity can act like seeds and at least something to build on. So quality is very important in higher education. The present government headed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is committed to change the landscape of higher education through enhancement of quality of higher education and research in the country. Her dream has been transformed into reality by her capable government through establishment of universities, formation of accreditation council, opening up of channels of cross border higher education and upgrading the University Grants Commission into Higher Education Commission. For achieving the target of quality education the GOB and the World Bank generously funded the project which was known as Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP). The project was meticulously implemented by the University Grants Commission, with the help of the project officials and that of by the World Bank. Establishment of Quality Assurance Mechanism is one of the major components of the UGC. Establishing the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in each of the universities has been already in place. Establishment of IQACs at the universities would create an enabling framework to provide quality education. Now each university in Bangladesh is executing QA activities through its own revenue. (Source: SAM, 2016)
Bangladesh is a developing country and its economy is in transition from traditional agriculture to industry, manufacturing and service sectors. Bangladesh intends to avail the opportunities offered by globalization to build a knowledge society. Improving the quality of its tertiary education is vitally necessary to spur the country to a higher growth trajectory for attaining the higher income status by 2041. The tertiary education in Bangladesh, currently, has been facing many deeply rooted and intertwined challenges. These include, inadequate enabling environment for improving the quality of education and research, weak governance and accountability, poor planning and monitoring capacities, and insufficient funding. All these challenges are compounded by lack of robust academic culture. These drawbacks can only be mitigated by developing a quality culture and ensuring good practices in higher education institutions (HEIs). The Bangladesh government (GoB) recognizes a highly competitive global economy because its tertiary education systems are not adequately prepared to capitalize on the creation and application of knowledge. It also realizes that the state has the responsibility to put in place an enabling framework that would encourage tertiary education institutions to be more innovative and responsive to the demanding needs for rapid economic growth, and to empower the graduates with right skills for successfully competing in the global knowledge economy. (Source: SAM,2016)
The IQAC has been established in the university under an administrative order of the university authority in conjunction with the directives of the UGC, Bangladesh. It is organized in such a way as befits the size, existing structure and capacity of the university. For the initial period the IQAC was established with the financial assistance from HEQEP. However, the IQAC has become a permanent organ of the university and its operations are now sustained and maintained under the revenue budget of the institution. For this purpose university prepares a succession plan with the objectives of its continuity. For the purpose of a dynamic and effective IQAC the university must take initiative to increase the availability of experienced and competent academics.
The general objective of the IQAC is to promote a quality assurance culture within the university. The specific objectives are to:
Currently, the scope of higher education is expanding rapidly in Bangladesh both in public and private sector with wide diversity in programs and in some cases mode of education. Individual universities sometimes manage study programs following their own systems and practices. But no evidence of institutional set up with defined mission and responsibility in accordance with generally accepted QA principles within the university is available. In the absence of effective quality assurance culture, the ongoing practices lack transparency, accountability, consistency and evidence of good practice. Internal quality assurance infrastructure is indispensable for a quality assurance culture in a university. The setting up and functioning of IQAC in the university would promote the QA culture to ensure quality in education. (SAM,2016)
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Leading University
The authority of Leading University appointed a Director and an Additional Director as per the directives of the UGC for the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Leading University. The office of the IQAC at Leading University includes the following human manpower:
SL. | Name | Position |
1. | Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim | Director |
2. | Dr. Mohammad Shahansha Molla | Additional Director |
Moreover, the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Leading University appointed two officials and an MLSS to carry out the QA activities successfully with the permission of honorable Vice Chancellor. The names of the officials and staff of the IQAC at Leading University include:
SL. | Name | Position |
1. | Khadiza Khanam | Office Manager/Administrative Officer |
2. | Sahrina Akter | Accounts Officer |
3. | Md. Abdur Rokib | MLSS |
A meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) was held on 10 August 2017 in the board room of Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh in which honourable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. […]
Read More...A training workshop on “Pedagogy: Interactive Classroom Management, Assessment and Rubrics” was organized by the institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC),Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 25 July 2017 at its permanent […]
Read More...A training workshop on “Pedagogy: Interactive Classroom Management, Assessment and Rubrics” was organized by the institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC),Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 24 July 2017 at its permanent […]
Read More...A meeting of Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) in order to oversee the quality activities of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh was held on 9 […]
Read More...The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh planned to organize a training workshop on “Sustaining Excellence in Higher Education: The US Quality Assurance Context” on 15 February […]